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Kansas Residential Lease Agreement | PDF

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A Kansas residential lease agreement for one (1) year is a contract between a property owner (lessor) and a tenant seeking to rent livable space. The main area of negotiation is usually the monthly rental price but it is best to start the process after the credit application has been completed so that the landlord may be able to see what type of tenant he or she has on their hands. After the approval process is complete, the landlord may request a Security Deposit along with the first (1st) month’s rent at the time of lease signing.

After the agreement has been signed and the checks submitted to the landlord, the tenant is allowed access to enter the property.

Table of Contents

Forms (2)


Standard Residential Lease Agreement

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Kansas Assoc. of Realtors Lease Agreement

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Security Deposit Laws

Maximum Amount ($) – Security deposits can be any amount of up to one (1) month’s rent for an unfurnished property or one and a half (1.5) months’ for a furnished property (§ 58-2550(a)).

Returning – Deposits must be returned to the tenant within thirty (30) days of the lease termination date. Any deductions that the landlord wishes to make on the deposit must be submitted to the tenant within fourteen (14) days from the same date (§ 58-2550(b)).

Required Disclosures

Lead-Based Paint Disclosure – This document must be acknowledged by the tenant before moving into any structure that was built prior to 1978.

Authorized Persons – The landlord must provide the tenant with a description of all individuals who are authorized to act on their behalf (§ 58-2551).

Move-in Checklist – The landlord and tenant must conduct a thorough analysis of the premises within five (5) days of the tenancy, making a list of any property defects and existing repairs. Two (2) copies of the list must be printed and signed by both parties (§ 58-2548).

Rent Grace Period

Kansas law does not allow for a rent grace period and rent must be paid in accordance with the lease agreement. If the lease includes penalties for late payment, these may be applied in the event that the tenant does not pay their rent on time (§ 58-2545).

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